Moj prvi post( mozda je smiješno što tek sada počinjem blogati :-D, al mislim da nikada nije kasno), a biće ih još mnogo nadam se, je o tome kako žene vide same sebe. Oduvijek znamo da smo sami sebi najgori kritičari, a mi žene smo posebne u tome, zapravo smo jako nemilosrdne. Najčešće su te samokritike neopravdane, što pokazuje i jedan mali eksperiment koji su uradili divni ljudi iz Dove-a. Naime, kažu da samo 4% žena širom svijeta smatra sebe lijepima, što je zaista mali procenat, a to pokazuje koliko malo samopouzdanja imamo, dok nas drugi vide totalno drugačije. Ovaj video je meni bio jako emotivan, pogotovo što znam da sam i sama kao i žene prikazane u klipu. Pogledajte!

My first post (maybe it is funny that I am starting to blog now, but I think it's never too late), and there will be more, I hope, is about how women see themselves. We always knew that we are our own worst critics, and especially us women, in fact, we are very ruthless. Most often this self-criticism is unjustified, as shown by an experiment that wonderful people from Dove conducted. Specifically, they say that only 4% of women worldwide consider themselves beautiful, a really small percentage, and it shows how little confidence we have, while others see us totally differently. This video  was very emotional for me, especially because I know that I am just like the women  shown in the clip. Pls watch!

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